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Jobs Feed

Streamline your job search by tracking job postings from career pages that align with your skills and preferences.

Jobs Feed

What is Jobs Feed?

Jobs Feed is a self-hosted web app which extracts job postings from configured career web pages. Filters can be configured to only get postings that match the desired skills and preferences.

Learn More

Stay up to date

Keep track of job postings on any careers web page.

Focus on what matters

Get updates on job postings relevant to specifc skills, desired locations or any other configured filters.

Find good matches

Rate job postings and get suggested more postings that are actually of interest.

Expand the job search

Expand the job search through provided suggestions for similar companies that might offer relevant postitions.

Save job postings

Bookmark relevant job postings and view them later.

Modern interface

Interface to manage relevant career pages and job postings, designed for modern browsers.