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Development Environment


Install the following requirements:

Compiling and Running Jobs Feed

  1. After installing the requirement, clone the repository:
git clone
cd jobs-feed
  1. To build both server and client, run:
make build
  1. Jobs Feed stores all its data in a Postgres database, which needs to be created via:
psql -h -p 5432 < migration/create_database.sql

By default, two databases are created: jobs_feed_release (production database) and jobs_feed_debug (used for development)

  1. To run Jobs Feed, execute:
make server

Jobs Feed will be running at:


Instead of only running the server, during development, it is more convenient to run:

make run -j 2

This will run both the server and automatically rebuild the client whenever changes to its source code are made.

Use the ENVIRONMENT variable to switch between release and debug:

make run -j 2 -e ENVIRONMENT=release

These environments serve data from different databases.


To make changes to the database schema, install SeaORM:

cargo install sea-orm-cli

To update database schemas, run:


This will delete any existing data in the selected database!

DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug sea-orm-cli migrate refresh

To create Rust entities and models based on the updated database schema, run:

sea-orm-cli generate entity \
-u postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug \
-o server/src/entities \
--with-serde both \


To apply formatting and linting to both client and server code, run:

make format