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The client code is located in the client/ directory and serves as the web interface that users interact with. It is implemented in TypeScript using SvelteKit and DaisyUI, with icons provided by heroicons.


The different side panes and dialogs are implemented as individual routes, allowing each dialog to have a custom URL. The routes and the structure of the pages are implemented in the routes/ directory.


Pages can reference reusable components, such as inputs with built-in validation. These components are located in the components/ directory.


To send requests to the server, a thin wrapper that encodes all the API functionality is located in the api/ directory. A separate class with functions for each endpoint is available. Any request response includes information about whether the request was successful or not (e.g., in case of a server error) as well as response data. The response data can be converted into specific TypeScript types defined in types/.

Shared State

Jobs Feed uses Svelte stores to share data across different pages and components. These stores are accessed only via specific type instances.