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Jobs Feed stores all data in a PostgreSQL database. To facilitate the interaction between the server and the database, it uses SeaORM, which helps create tables and generate Rust structs representing the entities stored in the database.

The table schemas and migration logic are located in the migration/ directory. Each source file represents a separate table. Schema changes and new tables need to be defined in this directory and then applied to the database using the sea-orm-cli:

DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug sea-orm-cli migrate refresh

This will delete any previously stored data.

To create Rust entities and models based on the updated database schema, run:

sea-orm-cli generate entity \
-u postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/jobs_feed_debug \
-o server/src/entities \
--with-serde both \

The generated Rust structs will be placed in the server/src/entities/ directory and can be referenced by the server code.